Week Ending Friday 9th June 2023
What beautiful weather we have been fortunate to have this week in Forest School. The Forest School area is continuing to bloom and our tomato, strawberry and raspberry plants are beginning to show signs of fruit in addition to our lovely herbs that are doing well.
Pupils have taken part in The Wildlife Trust’s #30 Days Wild challenges this week. Which takes place every year in the month of June for the 30 days. Each day set is set with different exciting challenges and activities to encourage people to get out and explore nature. Anybody can join in and it is free, for further information please either contact the school office or visit them online on www.wildlifetrusts.org
This week’s theme concentrates on ‘move in nature’ so the children have taken part in lots of different fun activities involving moving. Wednesday 7th June was our whole school ‘ECO Day’ and therefore pupils focussed their attention to recycling and learning about the importance of water and how we can help protect the environment.
For the rest of the week the children have taken part in wildlife yoga, where they posed in a range of animal positions such as the heron, the frog, the snail, the fox and the butterfly, to name but a few. The children found the exercise very relaxing in the warm sunshine and a common favourite was the heron.
Children have also participated in a barefoot sensory walk using a range of natural resources that had different textures for example: pebbles, mud, pinecones, straw, grass, logs, water, bark and sand. Some of the materials were more popular than others and the mud sat at 50/50 where some loved the sensory feel whilst others hated it and try to avoid it at all costs.
Pupils were set a challenge to be creative thinkers, by taking part in a treasure hunt, using their own creative licence on the properties of each material. Pupils were asked to find natural resources which were spiky, green, smooth, yellow, soft and hard. Majority of the groups all found different treasures and shared what they had found with each other.
Jellyfish Class have started a new ‘Twinkleboost Explorers’ ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ story and participated in some ‘hapa zome’ which is a Japanese technique meaning ‘leaf-dye’. By tapping a heavy object on a natural resource such as a leaf or flower, it removes the colour pigment and leaves an imprint. Jellyfish Class enjoyed the technique and will continue it over the forthcoming weeks.
With the temperatures now beginning to rise, could you please send your child into school with a named sun-cream and a hat, thank you.