Autism Progress Curriculum
Autism Progress Intent
The intent of the Autism progress curriculum is to concentrate on continuing to develop communication skills, social independence and living skills. The children who access this curriculum are aged between years 4-6, with most having an Autism Spectrum Condition and likely to need support with life beyond school. Therefore, the intent of this curriculum is to ensure that we are preparing all young people for life after school, whilst continuing to develop key skills. Underpinning this curriculum are the strategies taught to every child to develop their communication, behaviour for learning and self-regulation. In conjunction with this, each child’s Education Health and Care Plan Outcomes are continually addressed, worked through and evidenced.
Autism Progress Implementation
The implementation of this curriculum design is a well-structured timetable with a range of communication strategies. This provides children with symbolic play opportunities that directly link to real-life community experiences that they will encounter in life, such as ‘going to the dentist'. These learnt skills are then practised during community visits. Alongside this, carefully planned sequential activities link into a Cornerstone topic, providing breadth to the children and the chance to practice and develop key skills. Children are assessed through progressive levels in the following areas: Communication; Flexibility of Thought; Social Interaction and Emotional Regulation. Functional English and Maths skills continue to be taught where appropriate. Opportunities to help children self-regulate are embedded across the environments, supporting each child’s ability to engage independently.
Autism Progress Impact
The young people following this curriculum leave us in year 6 and are prepared for the next stage in their educational journey. They will be working as independently as possible, prepared for the experiences that will inevitably happen in a varied and fulfilling life. All young people wherever possible will have a communication system in place which allows them to communicate their basic needs and wants. The progress they have made through this curriculum will have been assessed using the B Squared formative and summative assessment tools. Foundations have also been laid down in preparation for a high school curriculum that prepares children for adulthood through the development of personal independence, communication, and social and community skills.