
Fountains Primary School provides a high- quality music provision for all pupils, delivered through effective teaching and enthusiastic leadership in music. Pupils learn to sing, compose and appreciate music through structured and engaging activities in school and exciting musical experiences out of school.
They have the choice to learn to play an instrument from a range of instruments taught in school and to participate and perform in our choir and yearly musical performances in school.
Pupils leaving our school will have progressed to a level of understanding, competence and confidence in line with their cognitive ability, enabling them to enjoy music to the full throughout their lives
Within the Functional Curriculum, Music is taught discretely on a weekly basis and pupils follow the ‘Music Express’ digital learning scheme. Music is an important part of primary education, and it can enhance children's knowledge-learning, well-being and confidence.
The scheme draws on the talents and skills of experienced music educators including: Maureen Hanke and Stephen Chadwick and offers exciting and diverse music lessons for all of our pupils.
The content fulfils the requirements of the National Curriculum and is assessed using end of year expectations. Classes who follow the functional pathway, are taught by a qualified Music teacher from Staffordshire’s ENTRUST Music service.
The teaching of Music is incorporated into the EYFS, Engagement and Autism Progress curriculum and implemented through their holistic approaches, taking elements of Music express (the scheme followed within school) to inform ideas and provide ideas within teachers planning.
These classes also receive a weekly sensory music session delivered by a sensory music specialist from Chipmunk Music. Children experience music and song through different stimulating experiences including light and tactile resources.
Our children have access to the Chiltern Music therapy service which supports our pupils to develop their communication skills, cognition and emotional well-being.
The therapists are able to tune into our children’s individual responses to music and create a platform for self- expression and connection.

The school currently runs a school choir in the hall every Friday afternoon. All functional classes attend and pupils from the other pathways are also welcome. This is led by the music lead teacher and ENTRUST music teacher. It is an opportunity for pupils to learn new songs and develop their use of Makaton.
Pupils are also given the option to learn a musical instrument during a lunchtime music club and perform during whole school assemblies.
Pupils are invited to perform at the Lord Mayor’s Christmas Concert at the Town Hall in Burton on Trent and all of our pupils perform in our spectacular Christmas production in-front of parents and carers.The Year 6 children also take part in an end of year performance where they show case their talents.
Throughout the school year, our pupils take part in a number of exciting enrichment opportunities that support and develop individual interests and talents in music. These include, Black History Month, Fountains Fest, Culture Day and World Music Day.