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Writer's pictureFountains Primary School

Forest School Blog WE 08.09.23

Week Ending Friday 8th September 2023

Welcome back everybody! I hope that everybody had a wonderful break and is re-energised and ready for returning to school. And what a week to return to school – in the sunny weather and hot temperatures.

During the summer break lots of work has been done in Forest School, as we continue to build on existing provision with lots of new and exciting challenges!

Our tomato plants are proving very fruitful and providing the children the opportunity to pick and try them. Most of the pupils have enjoyed the tomatoes and have used their adjectives to describe how they taste!

Due to the inset days and training happening throughout the school, not all classes have taken part in Forest School as yet, but sessions for all classes will start back week commencing Monday 11th September.

In the meantime, the Whales, Jellyfish, Starfish and Octopus classes have been enjoying the sun whilst designing and building a water wall, tasting the delicious home-grown tomatoes-whilst using their fine motor skills to pick and cut them, planted bulbs to put around the Forest School setting in an aim to give it some colour and make willow bubble wands.

A letter will be coming home next week informing you of the day your child will be taking part in Forest School sessions, if you could please send them in with any old clothes and appropriate footwear. Please do not go out and buy anything new, as we are likely to get very dirty whilst we have fun outside, so old warm clothes (in the winter) will suffice.

Please do not hesitate to contact the office should you have any questions regarding this or Forest School. Thanking you in advance for your co-operation and support.


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