The weather is continuing to improve in Forest School which is thankfully beginning to dry the muddy area around the pond.
We have continued to take advantage of the exciting opportunities created by our own wonderful pond so that where possible all the children get to experience about learning about the world around us.
Pupils learn about the life cycle of the frog and use their reflective learning skills to recall seeing the frogspawn on the pond all those weeks before. Luckily, there are a range of sizes and stages of development for the tadpoles so that the children can follow the various stages of growth and changes in features.
It has also provided pupils with a greater understanding of how to stay safe around water and to listen to and follow rules and instructions, to keep not only themselves safe but also the wildlife.
Saturday 20th May 2023 is ‘World Bee Day’ so therefore pupils have been engaging in a range of activities that incorporate bees and their importance. The activities included bee threading, counting bees in the hives, building a bee hotel, developing their fine motor skills through mark making and making a bee from a pinecone.