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Writer's pictureFountains Primary School

Rays Newsletter - Spring Term 2

Welcome back to a new term. Spring is in the air! Flowers and trees are all coming in to bud… let’s hope that the weather will turn a little warmer too!

Last term we thoroughly enjoyed our Beat band boogie music topic- we made musical instruments, learned some new songs and rhymes, celebrated Chinese New Year, took part in a special workshop for keeping safe online, and many dress up days for NSPCC, Mental health week and our PHSE Dreams and Goals day.

This term our new topic is called: Memory Box, a history focussed theme.

We will be busy making lots of new memories! Our memorable moments will include celebrating Pancake Day, hosting a visitor into school to look at a range of different toys from the past and planning a special party for our toys- this will involve lots of baking and sampling of treat foods.

We will also be observing changes within living memory- for example- nature walks, observing what changes happen across the seasons and comparing ourselves as we are now with when we were younger.

We are celebrating healthy choices in PHSE- keeping ourselves physically and mentally healthy. We continue to promote healthy choices of snacks and packed lunches. Our class are invited once a fortnight to nominate children to attend our Carrot club, where children get to eat their lunch with members of the leadership team and teaching staff. (Sometimes Cracker our PAT dog attends too!)

If you wish for school to provide a healthy snack we ask for £1 per week as snacks are not free in key Stage 2 as they were in Key Stage 1; alternatively you may wish to send in a healthy snack from home- such as a piece of fruit.

We will be enjoying a virtual theatre performance called The Reluctant Dragon later on this term, exploring themes of self-confidence and motivation.

On our last day of term prior to Easter we will be hosting our Easter Bonnet parade… we look forward to seeing your wonderful creations!


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