Welcome back! We hope you have had a lovely break and the children are excited to be back.
Over the previous term, the children have taken part in independent, 1:1 and group activities across all subjects incorporating our Autism progression curriculum and Life Skills program and have had the opportunity to regularly visit the sensory room, swimming pool, adventure playground and importantly visits into the community into the community enabling independence and confidence.
We particularly enjoyed our trip to Garden King Pumpkin walk , Derby clip and Climb and our shopping experiences building in fundamental key skills suck as Maths, Communication and word recognition. The children have been developing their social skills through these activities in small groups with peers, staff and the general public.
This half term we will continue our topic ‘Why do squirrels hide their nuts’. We aim to experience lots of opportunities in nature during our outdoor learning sessions and explore woodland environments.
With the lead up to Christmas, we will be taking part in loads of festive activities and celebrations, including our Christmas lunch and whole school production. The Turtles class will also be accessing a range of national trust properties and taking part in their winter wonderland workshops.
We welcome a new staff member to the Turtles team; Becci, of whom some of you will know through parent forums etc.
Darren Brunton
Class Teacher