Welcome back! We hope that you have had a fantastic Easter break, we are looking forward to a busy half term. There have been a few staff changes in Dolphins class, Mrs Bailey will be teaching on a Monday and Tuesday and Miss Dale will be teaching on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, please do contact us at school if you want to discuss anything and remember you can always write messages in the home/school diary.
This terms topic is Street detectives, we will be exploring the local community and finding out some historical facts about the village of Stretton. We will be increasing knowledge of key landmarks, services and the community, how these have changed over the years and what the younger generation can do for their local area.
In Maths this half term we will continue to follow the ‘White Rose Maths’ scheme.
In Phonics we will continue to follow ‘Read Write Inc’ to support the children’s reading.
The Dolphins staff team!
Download the full pdf newsletter below