Welcome back! We hope that you have had a fantastic half term break, we are looking forward to a busy half term. The class have settled in really well with the new staff team, please do contact us at school if you want to discuss anything and remember you can always write messages in the home/school diary.
This terms topic is Coastline, we will be learning about coastlines around the UK and we have a trip to Spring Lakes beach on the first week back too.
We are having ‘Fountains fest’ on the 15th July, please let us know if you have a musical talent and would like to perform.
In maths this half term we will continue to follow the ‘white rose maths’ scheme, we are currently looking at positional language and learning about a full turn, a half turn, moving forwards and backwards and left and right.
In Phonics we will continue to follow ‘Read Write Inc’ to support the children’s reading and our year 1 and 2 pupils will be doing the phonics test this week.
The Dolphins staff team !
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