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Fish Newsletter - Spring Term 1

Welcome back! We hope you have all had a lovely well rested break and the children seem very excited to be back and ready for the new term ahead.

Our new topic this half term is “what is a shadow?” We will be looking at light and dark, night and day and creating shadows using different materials and identifying shapes and objects. We have already made lots of use of the sensory room and have be surprised at our shadows and what we can make them do. Thank you for the shadow homework, we was very impressed!! Our Focus books this half term will be The Gruffalo’s child, Kippers Monster, The Foggy Foggy Forest, Night Monkey - Day Monkey and Who’s There? Beware!!

In Numeracy we will continue to focus on shapes and size, addition and subtraction, subitising and counting on from a given number continuing to use White Rose and Numicon to support this.

Last term was a very busy term. We all enjoyed the topic Is It Shiny? Looking at shiny and non shiny objects, properties of materials and lots of looking in mirrors at our reflections. We explored lots of act activities with bonfire pictures, Remembrance and Christmas decorations. We hope you all enjoyed the Christmas production as ,much as we did.


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