Week Ending Friday 17th June 2022
We have had a glorious week in Forest School, the weather has been beautiful and the children have really enjoyed taking part in #30 Days Wild.
Every year The Wildlife Trusts invite people to do one wild act every single day during the month of June, with the aim of bringing people closer to nature. Last year supporters completed over 16 million acts of wildness; the most popular activities were wildlife-watching, eating outdoors, planting wildflower seeds and listening to birdsong.
Classes have enjoyed taking part in outdoor yoga and mindfulness in sessions and have enjoyed using the Tibetan Singing Bowl. Which is a bowl used to promote relaxation. They produce sounds and vibrations when hit or circled with a mallet and are known to aid relaxation and anxiety.

We have also taken part in some wildlife yoga, which the children were amazing at, poses like the butterfly, the frog and the fox were amongst the favourites.
Classes have also enjoyed exploring the Forest School environment whilst going on a bug hunt. A collection of mini-beasts was also ready to observe using the purposefully made magnifying jars. Pupils enjoyed having a close up look at the distinguishing features of each of the bugs; although I am sure, we lost a few along the way!
Seahorses and Seals class were creative thinkers this week and participated in lots of activities related to their topic ‘Do cows drink milk’? Some of the children made their own tractor using logs and tyres and even had a singsong to Old Macdonald had a farm.
To learn more about the #30 Days Wild programme, you can visit the website: