We have had a mixture of weather this week in Forest School, but it has not stopped our pupils taking the opportunity to be outside and building their connection with nature. The grounds at Forest School are beginning to look very autumnal and the leaves are beginning to fall providing our grounds with a blanket of colourful leaves.
Pupils have continued to enjoy the opportunity to develop their tool skills and have worked with bradawls and peelers. Some of the children have demonstrated their independent enquiring skills and have been able to recall how to work with tools safely, the importance of using the correct techniques and PPE.
Classes have been thinking creatively to design their own person or animal using natural resources and have made some amazing pieces of work, which they were very proud to show their peers and staff. Some of the key principles about Forest School is the holistic approach it provides pupils, giving them confidence in their own ability, a sense of achievement and taking supported risks. There is no set outcome to Forest School as it is child-led provision, therefore providing our pupils with a unique opportunity to explore and expand on their own interests.
Some of the Early Year classes have been developing their physical strengths and stamina on the obstacle course. Where they have been climbing, balancing and jumping all of which strengthen their core posture and their gross motor skills. The slack line was a firm favourite and the majority of the children spent most of the lesson bouncing and walking across it. We have also worked on their fine motor skills and have made leaf wreaths and other activities such as, using mallets to hammer tees into pumpkins and also exploring what is inside a pumpkin?
It was the last week for Jellyfish to have their Aladdin story in our Twinkleboost sessions and gave Aladdin lots of hugs and high fives before tucking him back into his story box, until the next time.
As the weather is beginning to get colder and wetter, could you please remember to send your child a change of clothes for Forest School. Please do not buy anything new but send in old warm clothes, as there is a good chance they will get dirty. We do hold a selection of wellingtons and waterproofs in Forest School should your child not have anything suitable. Please could you make sure that all items of clothing and footwear are named.
Should you have any questions regarding clothing or Forest School, please do not hesitate to contact Catherine Hunter on chunter@fountains.staffs.sch.uk or their class teacher.