Week Ending Friday 24th June 2022
Pupils have enjoyed continuing with the Wildlife Trust’s #30 Days Wild programme this week.
The children have excelled themselves in activities, demonstrating their creativity, imagination skills and continued with mindfulness, focusing on their well-being.
Some classes, made independent choices and worked as a team, voting to do the most popular choices. All of which promotes, respect, resilience, confidence and building relationships.
Activities this week have included:
Making a reptile rockery
Drawing something, they find beautiful in nature
Becoming a bee champion
Drawing a feather
Going on a bug hunt
Read a book in the grass
Taking a sensory walk
Making a mini pond
Experiencing bird watching
Sadly, next week will be our last week at taking part in the #30 Days Wild project for this year. At Forest School, we are passionate about the importance and benefits of getting our pupils getting outside and learning in a rich and nurturing environment.