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Writer's pictureFountains Primary School

Whales Newsletter - Spring Term 1

Welcome back, we hope you all had a great Christmas holiday, and a Happy New Year to you all.

Before Christmas we enjoyed learning about the seasonal change between the autumn and winter. We had fun exploring ice and snow; and looked closely at some frozen leaves we found outside. We all had a great time at the Snowdome, thank you for joining us if you did. We had great fun sliding down a snowy ramp on a tyre.

This half term our topic is: Why don’t snakes have legs? In this topic we will be exploring why chameleon’s change colour, and learning about reptiles; their characteristics and habitats. We shall be talking about how to care for reptiles, and role-playing a pet shop. We shall also be looking at reptile patterns and camouflage. We shall be talking about our pets who live with us at home too, so please send in any photos of your family pets for us to see.

Please help. Wilbur, our class mascot is missing. He goes home with a pupil on a Friday night to spend the weekend. He has gone missing. Please can you check that you don’t have Wilbur in your home. He comes with a diary in a stripy rainbow bag. Please return him if you have him, so that he can go and visit another pupil for the weekend. Many thanks.

In Whales class we have fruit in the morning . If you wish your child to enjoy a variety of different fruit, please could you send £1 for snack weekly. If you would prefer, you can send in a healthy snack for your child from home.


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