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Writer's pictureFountains Primary School

Whales Newsletter - Spring Term 2

Welcome back, we hope you all had a wonderful half term break. This half term may only be five weeks long, but it will be packed full of wonderful learning opportunities including our topic lessons, World Book Day and Easter activities too.

Thank you to parents who check their Home-School diary daily, and write messages for us in there. Your support in using the diary to communicate with us is much appreciated. We always love to hear about things your child may have done at home, so that we can celebrate their achievements or activities in class too. Please also continue to complete the ‘stars’ so that pupils can be rewarded with a ‘treasure box’ treat to further reinforce their achievement.

Last half term we had a great time engaging with our ‘What is a reflection?’ topic. We had lots of fun looking for our reflection in some very weird and wonderful mirrors and reflective surfaces around school. Many of us also learnt to recognise ourselves in the mirror and photographs and say, ‘its me’. We made butterfly prints, and some wonderful self portraits, which are now on display outside our classroom. Our topic for this half term is, ‘Why do zebra’s have stripes?’ We shall be exploring this question and more in this project about Africa and the wild animals that live there.

Possible lines of enquiry include:

  • African culture

  • wild animals

  • camouflage

Homework update: homework will be sent home at the end of each half term. Homework activities will be linked to the previous topic and will reinforce what we have been learning about.

Please help: in Whales class we have a limited supply of fruit which we use for snack. To support us in providing an alternative, small donations of up to £1 a week are gratefully received. Thank you for your support with this.

Stay and Play: Our next Stay and Play session will be on Tuesday 28th March from 1.30-2.30pm. A letter will be sent home nearer the time. It will have an Easter theme this time. Thank you to the parents and family members who came to our last stay and play session; it was lovely to see you all, and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

Download a pdf copy of the newsletter below


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