Welcome back! I hope that you have all had a fantastic Christmas break!
We are really excited this half term as our new topic is ‘Beat, Band and Boogie’! We will be taking part in lots of exciting musical activities that have links across the curriculum. On Monday 10th January we had the privilege of an African Drumming Experience with ‘Drumroots’. The children had a fantastic time during the session and are all naturals at African Drumming!
During our Maths lessons this half term we will be looking at addition and subtraction. To support this we will be using ‘White Rose Maths’ as well as other whole school interventions such as ‘Numicon’.
During our spelling, punctuation and grammar lessons we will continue to follow ‘Read Write Inc’ to support the children and to develop their phonetic knowledge.
This term your child will now swim once every two weeks alternating between swimming and RE on a Wednesday afternoon. This means your child will get longer in the swimming pool.
As always if you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via the methods provided in this Newsletter.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr Hylton and the Dolphins Team